Find your other half.

Join our community to find your needle in a haystack.

Find what you’re looking for

Everyone has different need and wants, our goal is to help meet your match.

Find what you’re looking for

Everyone has different need and wants, our goal is to help meet your match.

Targeted searches

With our filter capabilities you can quickly search for users whatever your “type” may be.

Make informed decisions

Utilize our software technology to search and find your perfect match.

Make informed decisions

Utilize our software technology to search and find your perfect match.

Still need reasons to join?

Why we’re different?

Our goal is to help you quickly find you the right match.  Most dating sites actually want you to stay single so they can keep profiting off of you.  Not us, we look out for your interest.


Select quicker and smarter.  Quickly find potential companions based on your personal criteria.  You can also view the inner compatibility between the two of you which is the best indicator of relationship health.


Save time and heartache by seeing your compatibility with other users.  Don’t waste years getting to know someone only to realize they are not right for you.  Don’t play the dating lottery, make informed decisions based on objectivity.


Join for free and use for free with no monthly fees.  Only pay if you ran out of credits and would like to contact an individual that seems to match what you are looking for.